Psalm 115:3 proclaims, “Our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.” The two foundational pillars at the base of everything a Christian does, thinks, or believes are the sovereignty of God and his complete goodness. Psalm 115 contrasts the one true God with all the idols of the world around us. While they cannot respond, act for themselves, or offer any real help, our God reigns over the entire universe from his heaven, and he does all that he pleases to do. If our God is sovereign (and he is), we do not need to respond to tough circumstances by becoming worried, fearful, angry, or controlling.
This past month true Christian fellowship has been on display in our church here in Antofagasta. We enjoyed a Sunday afternoon lunch together, followed by the Lord’s Table. Another Lord’s Day we had our annual business meeting, marked by a good spirit and genuine concern for the care of our pastor and our brothers and sisters. This past Lord’s Day, we accompanied four sisters to the public beach to hear their testimonies of faith in Jesus and watch them proclaim his death, burial, and resurrection in water baptism. We enjoy hearing how our brothers and sisters in Christ are growing to be more like him in word, deed, and attitude. We delight in the opportunities to serve them and to point them to Jesus. We relish the moments when we get to explain a facet of the gospel once more for the many unsaved family members and friends who attend our services.
Our church is embarking on a building remodeling project, so we ask your prayer for unity and a continued focus on our purpose—making disciples of Jesus. The high inflation and rising prices have highlighted the need to care for one another, not just spiritually, but physically. Family and financial pressures put strain on marriages and we ask your prayer for several struggling families. We appreciate your continued prayers for us and your brothers and sisters in Christ here in Antofagasta, Chile.

- Thank God with us for his grace in beneficent sovereignty.
- Thank God with us for his grace in the testimonies of four sisters in Christ who were baptized.
- Thank God with us for his grace in the unity and desire for spiritual growth in our church family.
- Pray to God with us for his grace in the lives of the believers here.
- Pray to God with us for his grace in seeing the gospel advance to more people here in Antofagasta.
- Pray to God with us for his grace and wisdom in decisions regarding the future of our ministry in Antofagasta and beyond.
This is our March 2023 email update. You can sign up to receive our updates in your inbox here. You can download a printable PDF here.
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