During the three and a half months we’ve been restricted to our apartment, we’ve tried lots of exercise videos on Youtube to offset all the “stress eating.” Neither of us is very physically or rhythmically coordinated, so learning a new exercise is not a quick process. It really helps when someone is doing the exercise and we can follow their example.
In 1 Corinthians 11:3, Paul addresses the issue of headship and submission in the church at Corinth, and while that topic is never a popular one, he headlines his introduction with this statement: “…the head of Christ is God.” Whenever the New Testament discusses submission, it connects it to the example of Jesus Christ. Biblical submission is not inferiority, just as Jesus is not any less God than the Father, yet he willingly placed himself under the Father’s headship, and in so doing, glorified his “head.” It simply is impossible to be Christlike and refuse to submit.
This past month we’ve continued doing the same things we’ve been doing, online meetings with our church on Sundays and Wednesdays, Bible studies online, and ladies’ and men’s meetings (also online). The highlight of the week is when we get to go “outside the wire” and go to the grocery store or take one-year-old Agustín for a walk (children and seniors are allowed out for 90 minutes three times a week). We also do lots of reading and listening to podcasts, experimenting with new recipes (both making and eating), walking or running in the parking lot (there’s a 100m-long aisle), and preparing Bible studies.
We enjoyed two special events this month. Although we were unable to attend in person, we were able to watch the memorial service for Mark’s mother in Ohio and greet people via a video call. It was a special time to remember God’s grace in her life. Pastor Andrés underwent his ordination doctrinal examination with several Chilean pastors from various regions of the country on a Zoom call. He did a very nice job responding to the questions, handling the Word of God well, and answering practical questions with wisdom. It was a special time to remember God’s grace in his life and the life of his family. We are excited for this next step forward in the life of the church here in Antofagasta. We appreciate your prayers for us.

- Thank God with us for his grace in physical strength and health for each day.
- Thank God with us for his grace in the spiritual health of our church family.
- Pray to God with us for his grace to follow Jesus submitting to the authorities God has established in our lives.
- Pray to God with us for his grace in the ongoing waiting process for our permanent residency documents.
- Pray to God with us for his grace as we seek to serve Jesus’ church here in Antofagasta.
This is our September 2020 email update. You can sign up to receive our updates in your inbox here. You can download a printable PDF here.
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