Over 22 years ago now, I remember hearing a message on Romans 15 that deeply impacted my thinking about the goal of missions. Instead of converting people, or even changing lives, the goal is God’s glory. Paul, in defense of his ministry as the apostle to the Gentiles, tackles some of the thorny issues between Jew and Gentile Christians (Romans 14), and his conclusion in chapter 15 is that the strong must support the weak (15:1), loving them and building them up (15:2), following the example of Jesus himself (15:3). Here the Scripture encourages us to persevere in forbearing a brother with a more sensitive conscience (15:4), and by that same inspired Word, God enables the church to live in the unity that Jesus provides (15:5), glorifying him with one heart and voice (15:6). Therefore, we must welcome our weaker brothers, just like Christ received us (15:7). Jesus himself, the Son of God, became a servant to show the faithfulness of God to his promises to the nation of Israel (15:8), and to extend his mercy as far as the Gentiles, with the result that heathen nations glorify God for his mercy alongside his covenant people, the nation of Israel (15:9).
We thank God for the privilege of seeing the nations glorifying God for his mercy here in Antofagasta. This past month, we had another baptismal service, with three believers testifying (at the public beach) through baptism that they are disciples of Jesus Christ. The same day, another young lady joined the membership of our small church, committing herself to the other members of Jesus’ body, and we committed ourselves to her as well.
This past month, in addition to serving and discipling our brothers and sisters from Antofagasta, the Lord brought two young men, Ethan and Thatcher, to Antofagasta to see what God is doing. Along with the Flincks, we have had the chance to invite them into our lives and spend time investing in their lives. We pray for God’s continued working in their hearts.
Please continue to pray with us and for us. God is pleased to accomplish his will through the prayers of his people.

- Thank God with us for an encouraging and God-honoring baptismal service.
- Thank God with us for safety in travel this past month.
- Thank God with us for growth in grace and knowledge for the four couples with whom we have regular Bible studies.
- Pray to God with us for his grace to see more and more people glorifying God for his mercy here in Antofagasta.
- Pray to God with us for his grace in the application process for our permanent residency documents.
- Pray to God with us for his grace as our church continues looking for a more permanent place to meet and seeking out qualified elders and deacons.
This is our October 2019 email update. You can sign up to receive our updates in your inbox here. You can download a printable PDF here.
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