John wrote to Gaius, commending him for his faithful hospitality toward missionaries whom he had sent on their way in a manner worthy of God. This kind of love and support made Gaius a fellow worker for the truth (3 John 5–8). We too are thankful for the many partners who serve alongside us in Chile and South America, as well as countless fellow workers who partner with us in prayer and financial support.
The highlight of this past month was our eleven-day trip to the south of Chile (really, most of Chile is south of Antofagasta). We spent the first week at the Gospel Mission of South America’s annual missionary conference in our camp in Lican Ray, about 1,100 miles south of where we live and minister. We enjoyed the cooler nights and mornings (well, we noticed the difference), a little bit of rain, and the abundant greenery everywhere we looked. It was a great week of fellowship with our co-workers in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay, as well as mission personnel from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
The following week Mark attended the annual Chilean pastors’ meeting in another camp in Santiago. It was a good time of fellowship, trying to learn from and be an encouragement to the other pastors, and learning more about the church in Chile. Bekah spent three days with our friend Angela, a classmate from language school. We were glad to get home and get back to what God has for us to do here.
This coming month continues our summer schedule at church, where we suspend the children’s classes during the message and enjoy a “family service” with everyone together. Many people are traveling and vacationing during January and February (think June and July in the northern hemisphere), so that gives our teachers a break and also helps our children learn to sit in church. Our team will be receiving several visitors in the next few weeks, including our mission’s director and a young Chilean couple who want to see the church plant in person.
Our church is giving thanks for an extension in our rental of the location we have been using for the past seven months. We are thankful for God’s provision. Please continue to pray that Jesus will build his church.

What a great view we had!

- Thank God with us for his grace in giving us safe travel to the south of Chile and Santiago over the past two weeks.
- Thank God with us for his grace in allowing our church to continue renting the location where we are for the next several months.
- Thank God with us for his grace in assembling a team of “coworkers in the truth” that stand shoulder to shoulder with us as we serve the Lord in Antofagasta.
- Pray to God with us for his grace to persevere in truth and love as 3 John encourages us.
- Pray to God with us for his grace to build our church, and perhaps someday, a building for our church.
- Pray to God with us for his grace in the next few weeks among ordinary and out-of-the-ordinary business.
This is our January 2019 email update. You can sign up to receive our updates in your inbox here. You can download a printable PDF here.
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